促销 全自动微通道反应机组

全自动微通道反应机组FRAPP’S Flow-Reactor unit 概述/General Introduction 全自动微通道反应机组是由控制系统、配料系统、进料系统、微通道反应系统、后处理系统四五大部分组成,通过高压恒流泵推动下进行反复撞击的原理进行反应,有效地提成了收得率,减少了副反应的发生,缩短了反应时间,消除了反应过程中的放大效应。实现化学反应全智能,全自动生产。 Automatic FRAPP’S Flow-Reactor unit is composed of control system, feeding system ,micro-channel reaction system, post-processing system .Effectively improve the yield ,reduce the occurrence of side effects ,shorten the reaction time, eliminate the amplification effect of the reaction .It can Achieve fully automatic, all-intelligent chemical reaction. 适应磺化、重氮化、氧化、硝化等高放热、高污染,剧毒反应。 Applicable to sulfonation, diazotization ,oxidation, nitration and other high exothermic ,high pollution , and highly toxic reaction

标签: 无线通信
